About the Author

For over fifteen years, Noah Rubin-Blose worked as a chef and baker — as a co-founder and baker at Bread Uprising Bakery, and chef and owner of Stone Soup Catering, both located on Occaneechi land in Durham, NC. He cooks both to connect with his Ashkenazi Jewish and Italian heritage, and as a way to build and nourish community. He has cooked seasonal, delicious, nourishing food for thousands of community organizers, documentary students, spiritual seekers, and other humans who need to eat food.

Noah also has been a community organizer since he was a teenager, working in NC and across the South to build a world full of collective liberation and free from all systems of oppression. Going back and forth between the kitchen and mobilizations in the streets, he noticed that the practice of cooking is full of lessons for how we create that world. Currently a rabbinical student at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, he believes that we were all made in the image of G!d, and that so much is possible when we bring our spiritual traditions to our movement work and into the kitchen.